Let’s Talk

Whether you know exactly what you need or aren’t sure where to begin, please take the time out to complete this comprehensive form so we can better help you. Tell us all about your business, website objectives and target markets. The inputs received through this document will be critical for us in our Digital Marketing plan.

Feel free to skip bits that are not relevant to the campaign in question.

Tell us a bit about yourself






About the company

What are the company’s offerings?*

What is the brand vision?

List any values, beliefs, attitudes or behaviours that are true to the brand

In-focus products/services for the next 3-6 months

Are you currently engaging with any partner?

If yes, what were the gaps you experienced?

Does the business experience an offseason?

Briefly describe your requirement

Campaign objective

Eg: Awareness, retention or customer acquisition

Targeted geographies

Your ideal customer

Eg: Mothers, Vice Presidents, or Sr. Citizens

Category Competitors

What are your primary business keywords

Ever experienced a Google Penalty?

Are there any updates in progress on the website?

Any drastic movement in the metrics you track? Tell us.

Tell us a bit about yourself






About the company

What are the company’s offerings?

What is the brand vision?

List any values, beliefs, attitudes or behaviours that are true to the brand

In-focus products/services for the next 3-6 months

Are you currently engaging with any partner?

If yes, what were the gaps you experienced?

Does the business experience an offseason?

Briefly describe your requirement

Campaign objective

Eg: Awareness, retention or customer acquisition

Targeted geographies

Your ideal customer

Eg: Mothers, Vice Presidents, or Sr. Citizens

Category Competitors

What are your primary business keywords

What percent of users convert into customers?

What are your marketing goals for the year?

Eg: 100 subscribers, 1000 inquiries or 50% increase in sales

List your biggest marketing and sales challenges

Where do your clients visit you online?

Website link

Landing page1 link

Landing page2 link

Landing page3 link

Are you investing in any other marketing verticals?

What does the sales cycle look like, if any?

whats your tentative budgets / ad-spends?

Tell us a bit about yourself






About the company

What are the company’s offerings?

What is the brand vision?

List any values, beliefs, attitudes or behaviours that are true to the brand

In-focus products/services for the next 3-6 months

Are you currently engaging with any partner?

If yes, what were the gaps you experienced?

Does the business experience an offseason?

Briefly describe your requirement

Campaign objective

Eg: Awareness, retention or customer acquisition

Targeted geographies

Your ideal customer

Eg: Mothers, Vice Presidents, or Sr. Citizens

Category Competitors

What are your primary business keywords

How do visitors convert on your website?

What percent of users convert into customers?

Are the brand’s social media profiles active?

Are there any updates in progress on the website?

Any drastic movement in the metrics you track? Tell us.

What are your marketing goals for the year?

Eg: 100 subscribers, 1000 inquiries or 50% increase in sales

List your biggest marketing and sales challenges

Where do your clients visit you online?

Website link

Landing page1 link

Landing page2 link

Landing page3 link

Are you investing in any other marketing verticals?

What does the sales cycle look like, if any?

whats your tentative budgets / ad-spends?

How much per cent of site traffic converts?

What tone of voice is ideal for your social media?

What is the main brand message?

Any design assets we can get access to?

Are you looking to expand to new platforms?



Planning Your Project

Planning Your Project?

Whether you know exactly what you need or aren’t sure where to begin, let us know and we will help you.