Active Ingredient: Bacillus subtilis strain KTSB 1015 1.5% AS (Fungicide and Bactericide)
Pack sizes: 500 ml, 1 Litre
Grape farmers commonly use synthetic fungicides and bactericides to protect crops from harmful diseases that can damage crops and yields. While these products work effectively in protecting the crops, overuse can result in the development of cross-resistance, posing a challenge for sustainable agriculture.
Rhapsody, developed by Bayer, is a solution to this issue. It has the dual action of a bactericide and a fungicide, providing effective crop protection. It is made from microorganisms and natural substances found in nature. It protects grapes from diseases like powdery mildew. It also helps in root growth, supports sustainable agriculture, and provides flexible application time.
Rhapsody is an effective, preventive biofungicide that offers broad-spectrum protection against many important foliar and soil-borne diseases, like powdery mildew in grapes. Due to its multiple, unique modes of action, it reduces the risk of fungicide resistance.
It’s like a new tool for farmers to keep their crops healthy without relying too much on the same old methods. It also helps meet the sustainability goals of growers.
Rhapsody’s effectiveness comes mainly from the bacillus subtilis strain KTSB 1015. This beneficial bacterium is naturally occurring in the soil, inhibits spore germination of fungi, stops fungal spore growth, and prevents the attachment of fungi to plant surfaces.
It is contact multisite, including cell membrane disruption (FRAC 44), induced resistance, and root colonization.
Some of the benefits include
It offers both bacterial and fungal control from a single product, showcasing broad soil activity and proven yield increases.
It optimises flexibility in crop management strategies for increased global trade.
Improves root growth through drench application. This contributes to increased plant growth overall.
Uses multiple sites of action to target diseases, providing control and reducing the likelihood of resistance development.
Meets global market requirements by being exempt from residue tolerance regulations for export.
Fights both fungal and bacterial diseases and can be an effective addition to an integrated disease management program.
With a four-hour re-entry interval and a zero-day pre-harvest interval, Rhapsody is an excellent tool for late-season disease problems, right up to harvest day.
Compatible with registered products, including many micronutrients, insecticides, and fungicides.
Powdery Mildew
Foliar Spray-bud break, vegetative phase, flowering or fruiting phase to harvesting
Soil drenching-Pruning to harvesting
ai (%) 1.50
Formulation (ltr) 1
Water (litre)
Foliar spray: 500 (2ml per litre) + Soil drenching: 500 (2ml per litre)
24 hours
Not applicable for biopesticides
Foliar spray- 8-10 – Soil drenching twice
*Waiting Period between last application and harvest (PHI)
Not to be used on crops other than specified in above table.
Mix thoroughly 1.0 litre of Rhapsody with 500 litres of water. This can be sprayed 8-10 times.
Initiate the 1st spray at any growth stage: bud break, vegetative phase, flowering, or fruiting phase.
Perform the 2nd spray at a 15–30-day interval after the 1st foliar spray.
Use a knapsack battery sprayer with a hollow cone nozzle for effective coverage.
Mix thoroughly 1.0 litre of Rhapsody with 500 litres of water. This can be drenched twice.
Start the 1st soil drench at any time, from pruning to harvesting.
Perform the 2nd soil drench at a 30-day interval after the 1st soil drenching.
Find answers to all your questions
Rhapsody fungicide can be used at every stage: bud break, vegetative phase, flowering, or fruiting phase.
The best way to apply Bayer Rhapsody depends on the specific needs of your crops and the targeted diseases. It can be applied as a foliar spray, soil application, or in a spray program with other registered crop protection products like micronutrients, insecticides, and fungicides.
Yes, as part of a disease management program, Bayer Rhapsody can be used in multiple dosages, not exceeding the recommended single application rate. The recommended dosage varies depending on the application method and the growth stages of the crops.
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