Wind & Solar Energy.
- Engineering.
- Procurement.
- Construction.
- Operation and Maintenance.
- Technical Due Diligence.
BRENSOL is your local, experienced Solution Provider that provides quality services on a reliable timeline.
Welcome to Brensol
Batliboi Renewable Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (formerly Batliboi enXco) is a part of the Batliboi Group of companies in India. Batliboi Renewable Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (BRENSOL) operates in the fields of Wind Energy and Solar Energy.
Our Services
Wind Energy
In 1996 we began our association with the power industry with Operation and Servicing of Wind Turbines. Later we expanded into offering complete solutions for power supply from Wind Energy. Today we have over 1500 turbines under our care.

Solar Energy
In keeping with our dedication to renewable energy, we subsequently begun undertaking the installation and servicing of Solar Power Plants of all kinds. Today our offering includes complete project preparation and execution followed by post installation service and operation.