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LNGC-to-FSRU Conversion

GAS Entec is a global market leader in the conversion of LNG carriers to FSRUs.

We provide complete EPC services, including engineering (basic, detailed and production), longevity and dry dock repairs, equipment installation and replacement, testing and commissioning.

Our service covers:

Our Projects

Multiple LNGC-to-FSRU conversions for KARMOL

GAS Entec executed the complete EPC of the LNGC-to-FSRU conversion for Dwiputra LNGC (1994, 125,000 cbm), Northwest Shearwater LNGC (1991, 125,000 cbm), and LNG Vesta (1994, 127,000 cbm) for KARMOL, a joint venture between Karpowership and Mitsui OSK Lines.