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Here is our super gift to you!
Find the best version of yourself through VT’s very own fitness journey.

Know Your Functional Medicine Coach
“Your body is a powerful engine and your mind is the fuel.”
Hi, I am Vijay Thakkar – a fitness entrepreneur and an Exercise Science Expert. My vision is to help India lead a disease-free lifestyle, through scientific and holistic coaching.
My passion to make a difference in your life was something I realised at a very young age. Even though my path was written for me in finance, my passion grew deeper. I added a feather to my cap by attaining a Masters in Sports Management from the esteemed University of South Wales. My extensive learnings abroad have allowed me to have an in-depth understanding of the human body and what it requires to overcome any illness through a methodical approach towards fitness.
My brainchild, 48 Fitness, is one step I have taken to bring personalised services and premium wellness standards to fitness enthusiasts in the heart of Mumbai City. It is now India’s most-awarded celebrity fitness hub!
Take part in my carefully curated complete lifestyle management programs – be it weight loss, reversing diabetes, or overcoming PCOD, my team and I are here to help you in your journey.
know more Book a consultation

Our aim is to
make you healthy organically
Helping you adopt a lifestyle that works for your body and keeps you disease free

The 3 Pillars of Health Science


Get Motivated
Specially curated workouts
for corporates & busy professionals.
Thoughtfully curated quick exercises for your busy schedule and special exercises for better immunity to reversing physical illnesses, 8 Rounds gives you a holistic, scentific approach on who you can build a healthier you.
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Happy Clients and Partners
It’s gratifying to bring smiles to faces around you!
When you have a clear vision, good partners to support you, and tools to effectively put your scientific knowledge to use, it creates synergies and amplifies results.
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