Live a disease-free lifestyle
“Health is just beyond eating right and exercise” Discover it with me

Here is our super gift to you!
Find the best version of yourself through VT’s very own fitness journey.
Know Your Functional Medicine Coach
“Your body is a powerful engine and your mind is the fuel.”
Hi, I am Vijay Thakkar – a fitness entrepreneur and an Exercise Science Expert. My vision is to help India lead a disease-free lifestyle, through scientific and holistic coaching.
My passion to make a difference in your life was something I realised at a very young age. Even though my path was written for me in finance, my passion grew deeper. I added a feather to my cap by attaining a Masters in Sports Management from the esteemed University of South Wales. My extensive learnings abroad have allowed me to have an in-depth understanding of the human body and what it requires to overcome any illness through a methodical approach towards fitness.
My brainchild, 48 Fitness, is one step I have taken to bring personalised services and premium wellness standards to fitness enthusiasts in the heart of Mumbai City. It is now India’s most-awarded celebrity fitness hub!
Take part in my carefully curated complete lifestyle management programs – be it weight loss, reversing diabetes, or overcoming PCOD, my team and I are here to help you in your journey.

Fitness Entrepreneur,
Functional Medicine
Coach & Author
The 3 Pillars of Health Science


Food and

Rest and

Get Motivated
Specially curated workouts
for corporates & busy professionals.
Thoughtfully curated quick exercises for your busy schedule and special exercises for better immunity to reversing physical illnesses, 8 Rounds gives you a holistic, scentific approach on who you can build a healthier you.

Nothing gives me more joy than getting you to take your first step towards a healthy lifestyle.
Take Your First Step

Happy Clients and Partners
It’s gratifying to bring smiles to faces around you!
When you have a clear vision, good partners to support you, and tools to effectively put your scientific knowledge to use, it creates synergies and amplifies results.

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