Our proof-of-concept studies support both product and technology development as well as proof of hypothesis in case of exploratory studies. The themes in this area span across nutrition and agriculture, maternal and child health, infectious diseases and others.
Programs funded under this approach:
Immunization Data System – Innovating for Action
The fourth thematic call was announced on 15th November 2017 on ‘Improving Immunization Data Systems
Antimicrobial Resistance
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has become a major healthcare threat in recent times due to excessive use of antimicrobials
Grand Challenges Explorations
The well-being of mothers, infants, and children is an essential public health goal for India.
Reinvent the Toilet Challenge Phase I & II
Solving the sanitation challenge in the developing world will require radically new innovations that are deployable on a large scale.
Agriculture and Nutrition
The Grand Challenges India (GCI) partnership announced the first call titled ‘Achieving Healthy Growth through Agriculture and Nutrition.
Sewage Surveillance
The Sero-surveillance program is being proposed for active case finding, testing, and contact tracing as reports indicate that SARS-CoV-2 causes asymptomatic infection.
Non-Hormonal Contraceptive Discovery Program
To understand the potential contraceptive drug targets and mechanisms, that would be suitable for drug discovery activities and could provide highly effective inhibition of fertility with a very clean safety profile
All Children Thriving
I was underweight. After 2 miscarriages, the MCH program helped me with the right care to give birth to my baby boy.