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Active Ingredient: Thiacloprid 240 SC (21.7% w.w) 

Pack sizes: 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Litre


Alanto Bayer is a special insecticide to help farmers deal with pests that harm plants by sucking or chewing. It’s a great monsoon crop protection product, particularly effective for challenging pests in vegetables like brinjal and tea. The best part is, it‘s safe for both the crops and the people using it. Alanto has shown it can improve the growth of flowers and fruits in horticulture crops.

Recommended for

Protects against

How it works?

Thiacloprid is an insecticide type in the neonicotinoid class of chemicals. It’s a powerful tool for managing a wide range of pests that are usually hard to control.

What makes thiacloprid stand out is its ability to stay effective even during heavy rains and sunlight, thanks to its rain-fastness property. This means it stays stable and lasts longer, providing extended protection for crops. 

Mode of action

Thiacloprid works against insects by disrupting their central nervous system. It acts like an opponent to a specific receptor in their nerves, causing a disturbance in the usual way signals are transmitted.

This leads to the overexcitement of nerve cells and ultimately results in a disorder in the insect’s nervous system, leading to its death. 


Features and benefits of Alanto

Some of the benefits include

Among the uses of Alanto is that it stays on leaves for a long time, thanks to its stability in rain and sunlight. This allows the active ingredient to continuously enter the leaf.

It effectively targets a wide range of pests like aphids, whiteflies, thrips, and lepidopterans.

Alanto doesn't share resistance with common insecticides, degrades quickly in the environment, and is safe for mammals due to low toxicity, low application rates, and eco-friendly characteristics.

How to use/Recommendations for Use


Aphids, Jassids, Thrips 


ai (g) 24-30 

Formulation (g) 100-125

Water (litre) 500

Waiting Period*

52 days




ai (g) 120-144

Formulation (g) 500-600 

Water (litre) 500

Waiting Period*

52 days


Stem Borer


ai (g) 120 

Formulation (g) 500

Water (litre) 500

Waiting Period*

30 days




ai (g) 54-72 

Formulation (g) 225-300

Water (litre) 500

Waiting Period*

5 days


Shoot & Fruit Borer


ai (g) 180

Formulation (g) 750

Water (litre) 500

Waiting Period*

5 days


Mosquito Bug 


ai (g) 90 

Formulation (g) 375

Water (litre) 500

Waiting Period*

7 days


Girdle Beetle


ai (g) 180 

Formulation (g) 750

Water (litre) 500

Waiting Period*

17 days




ai (g) 0.01%-0.012% 

Formulation (g) 0.04%-0.05%

Water (litre)

As required depending on the size of the tree and spraying equipment used 

Waiting Period*

30 days

*Waiting Period between last application and harvest (PHI)

Not to be used on crops other than the ones specified in the table.

Do not use on crops during active bee foraging period of the day.


Find answers to all your questions

Here are some effective tips for effective use of Alanto: 

  • Identify the target pest. 
  • Read the Alanto guidelines on the label properly. 
  • Apply at the right time and with the appropriate dilution. 
  • Use correct technique for application and application equipment. 
  • Follow proper safety precautions. 

Bayer Alanto can target a broad spectrum of insects rather than being specific to a certain type. It is effective against various pests like aphids, whiteflies, thrips, and lepidopterans. 

To use Bayer Alanto insecticide, you can use hand-operated knapsack sprayer, foot sprayer or tractor-mounted sprayer. Water is required depending on the size of the crop and spraying equipment used. Do not spray during the active bee foraging period of the day. Follow appropriate calibration guidelines, and wear safety gear. Alanto should not be used on crops other than specified. 

Check for signs of insect activity and damage to plants to see if Bayer Alanto insecticide needs to be reapplied and follow the suggested reapplication interval on the product label. Additionally, to decide whether reapplication is required, take the crop‘s economic threshold level (ETL) into consideration.

Bayer Alanto typically does not share any cross-resistance with other conventional insecticides; however, taking expert advice and following recommendation guidelines is essential to ensuring effectiveness and compatibility.

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