Active Ingredient: Fipronil 0.6% w/w GR
Pack sizes: 1 Kg, 4 Kg, 10 Kg
The stem borer is one of the most difficult pests to control for rice farmers. It can affect crops at any stage of growth. To solve this issue of chewing pests, Bayer created Regent ULTRA. It can be used as foliar and granules against difficult-to-kill pests like early shoot borer, stem borer, leaf folder, and termites.
Bayer Regent ULTRA contains fipronil. It is a powerful, high-performing insecticide that protects crops such as wheat, rice, and sugarcane. Applying it helps paddy crops grow better, with more tillering and higher yields.
Regent ULTRA works mainly by being ingested by pests and causing toxicity with some complimentary contact action. It is very effective for managing chewing pests in rice, wheat, and sugarcane.
It also shows plant growth effects, leading to healthier roots and a greater number of productive tillers, resulting in higher yields.
Regent ULTRA through its active ingredient fipronil, a phenyl pyrazole insecticide, acts by disrupting nerve impulse transmission by interfering with the flow of chloride ions through the gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) regulated chloride channel.
This disruption affects the CNS activity, ultimately resulting in the death of the insect.
Some of the benefits include
Offers versatile applications and formulation flexibility, with its granular form easily spreading on the standing crops.
It has both contact and ingestion activity, with ingestion being particularly effective, leading to a quick cessation of feeding in insects soon after treatment.
Its unique site of action distinguishes fipronil from most commercial insecticides, belonging to the new family of phenyl pyrazole insecticides.
It is an ideal choice for IPM.
Has shown plant growth enhancement (PGE) effects.
Stem borer, Leaf folder
ai (g) 60
Formulation (g) 10
65 days
ai (g) 60
Formulation (g) 10
117 days
Early shoot borer, Termite
ai (g) 75
Formulation (g) 12.5
229 days
*Waiting Period between last application and harvest (PHI)
Not to be used on crops other than the ones specified in the table.
Find answers to all your questions
Regent ULTRA offers flexibility in its application process, available in both foliar and granular formulations. It should be used at the right time, 15-20 days after transplanting (DAT), as recommended. Furthermore, Regent ULTRA should not be applied in the curative stem borer segment.
Bayer Regent ULTRA protects paddy crops through its active ingredient, fipronil. It interferes with the nerve impulse transmission of pests. Chewing insects and other pests quickly stop feeding as a result of this ingested toxin, ultimately resulting in their death.
Regent Ultra can be used at any stage of the crop. In order to derive the maximum benefits, it should be used as soon as possible when the pest is in its early instar stage.
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