Active Ingredient: Ethiprole 10.7%+ Pymetrozine 40% w/w WG (Water Dispersible Granules)
Pack sizes: 170 g, 500 g
Paddy is India’s largest income-generating crop. However, paddy growers often face problems with pests like hoppers, which cause significant losses in crop yields. These pests multiply fast and become resistant to chemicals.
Bayer’s Curbix® Pro is an affordable solution for effective hopper management and crop protection in rice crops. It contains two powerful ingredients: ethiprole and pymetrozine, which help in pest control and crop protection. Curbix® Pro is plant-safe, fast-absorbing, and has better spreading properties.
Curbix® Pro is a systemic insecticide designed for effective hopper control in rice crops. It exhibits translaminar action, ensuring complete coverage. The unique combination of two active ingredients, each with distinct modes of action, enhances its effectiveness. Curbix® Pro is developed as a water dispersible granule (WDG) formulation. This unique formulation allows quick dissolution of the product in water, forms a uniform and stable solution, and ensures better spread and faster absorption of active ingredients by plants.
Curbix® Pro is a systemic insecticide with translaminar action designed for effective hopper control in rice crops. Curbix® Pro is developed as a water dispersible granule (WDG) formulation. This unique formulation allows quick dissolution of the product in water, forms a uniform and stable solution, and ensures better spread and faster absorption of active ingredients by plants.
The active ingredients in Curbix® Pro, ethiprole and pymetrozine, employ a dual mode of action. They block the GABA-gated chloride channel and modulate the chordotonal organ TRPV channel.
This results in paralysis of the insect body and impacts the nervous system, ultimately leading to insect death.
Some of the benefits include
Ideal for resistance management, Curbix® Pro avoids cross-resistance to other hopper control products.
It induces immediate cessation of feeding and paralysis, effectively controlling all hoppers.
Protects crops from hopper burns, ensuring a green crop for optimal grain filling and potential yield.
Brown Plant Hoppers, White-Backed Plant Hoppers
ai (g) (40.12 + 150) to (45.48 + 170)
Formulation (g) 375-425
Water (litre) 375
27 days
*Waiting Period between last application and harvest (PHI)
Not to be used on crops other than the ones specified in the table.
Find answers to all your questions
Curbix® Pro is specifically designed to manage hoppers, including brown plant hoppers, making it highly effective and reliable for better crop protection.
While Curbix® Pro can enhance its effectiveness when mixed with other insecticides, caution is advised. Additionally, it aids in resistance management and prevents cross-resistance to other hopper control products. It is recommended that you consult with a pest control or agricultural expert to better understand its application and benefits.
Here are a few points to be aware of:
The best crop stage to use Curbix® Pro effectively depends on the specific crop and the target pests. Generally, it should be applied after the first signs of infestation are visible to prevent crop damage and effectively manage pests.
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